Reliable 24/7 Cyber Security Services

Many small to medium-sized businesses struggle with stretched resources, lean budgets, and a critical technical expertise gap. This fight against sophisticated cyber threats and outdated systems turns them into easy targets for cybercriminals. Exposed and at risk, these businesses stagger on the edge of significant disruption, financial loss, and reputational damage.
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Security is in our DNA!

At our core, we care about keeping you safe!

We look into all possible areas of concern, from easy-to-spot issues to hidden dangers. This includes everything, from information that’s accidentally been made public, to the potential loss of important data.

We actively take steps to secure every possible entry point, thus minimizing the risk of a cyber attack.

Our SOC / SIEM Service provides you with a 24/7 Cyber Expert who is constanstly monitoring & protecting all aspects of your Business.

Common Cyber Security Threats Targeting Businesses


Phishing attacks involve fraudulent emails and websites that trick employees into disclosing login credentials, financial information, or downloading malicious attachments which leads to unauthorised access to sensitive data, financial losses, and damaged reputation

Data Loss

Data loss can occur due to hardware failure, accidental deletion, or cyber-attacks aimed at destroying or stealing information resulting in disrupted operations, customer dissatisfaction, lost intellectual property, legal liabilities, and even business closure.


Ransomware encrypts vital data and demands ransom for its release, while malware infiltrates networks and systems, stealing or destroying sensitive information and resulting in operational disruptions, loss of data, financial burdens, and legal ramifications.

User Risk

Cyber security incidents are often caused by human errors such as weak passwords, and clicking on malicious links. Inadequate security practices put sensitive data at risk, leading to financial losses, damaged reputation, and loss of competitive advantage

Holistic Protection. Hassle-Free. Cost-Effective.

Let us help you take your Cyber Security to the next level!

Our Managed Cyber Security Service Includes:

Why Choose Us?

In today’s digital landscape, robust cyber security is not just a necessity but a strategic advantage. At White Rook Cyber, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to protect, detect, and respond to threats with precision and agility.

Expertise Across the Board

Our 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC) and SIEM services ensure real-time threat detection and response, leveraging advanced technologies and seasoned experts to keep your systems secure.

Thoroughness and Compliance

Our Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) audits help you navigate complex regulatory environments and strengthen your security posture with actionable insights and tailored strategies.

Proven Offensive Tactics

With our Penetration Testing, Red Team, and Purple Team engagements, we simulate sophisticated attacks to identify and address vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.

Customised Solutions

We understand that every organisation is unique. Our solutions are tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring maximum protection and compliance while minimizing disruption to your business operations.

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Viktor Vukovic

“Partnering with White Rook Cyber we can proactively plan and undertake necessary cyber security assessment and testing activities to safeguard sensitive information and organisational integrity. This partnership has helped us to develop an appropriate roadmap for our business that enables us to understand our current state against an industry recognised cyber security framework. While assisting us to prioritise targeted strategies effectively to achieve our desired level of security maturity”